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Natural disasters that cost insurance companies billions of dollars

    The rating of the natural disasters related to the most considerable financial losses of insurers was made by the Swiss Re company.

    On the tenth line of the list — a drought in the USA 2012. The amount of financial loss of insurance companies due to this natural cataclysm constituted $12 billion. The amount of general financial damage is estimated at $25 billion.

Natural disasters that cost insurance companies billions of dollars

    The line with the drought in 2012 was shared by the hurricane "Wilma" that hit the US state of Florida, as well as Mexico, Jamaica, Cuba, the Bahamas and Haiti in 2005. Total financial damage from the natural disaster was estimated at $22 billion, but the amount of insurance losses amounted to $12 billion.

Natural disasters that cost insurance companies billions of dollars

    In 1994, on the Pacific coast of the United States there was one of the most powerful earthquakes. The total amount of financial losses reached $44 billion, insured losses - $15 billion.

Natural disasters that cost insurance companies billions of dollars

    The flood which occured in 2011 in Thailand became one of the most unpleasant natural disasters of the last six years. 813 people became disaster victims. Financial losses reached a point of $43 billion, insurance losses - $16 billion.

Natural disasters that cost insurance companies billions of dollars

    Another powerful natural disaster is an earthquake in 2011 in New Zealand, which counted 185 people. Insurance losses amounted to $ 16.5 billion, the financial losses - $ 24 billion.

Natural disasters that cost insurance companies billions of dollars

    The hurricane "Andrew" known to residents of the USA left homeless many inhabitants of states Florida, Los Angeles, and also the Bahamas. It occured in far 1992.

    Then financial damage reached $26,5 billion, and loss of insurers - $17 billion.

Natural disasters that cost insurance companies billions of dollars

    One more hurricane in the list - "Eich" -that showed its the power to residents of the USA, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Bugs in 2008. Financial losses constituted $38 billion, an insurance damage - $18,5 billion.

Natural disasters that cost insurance companies billions of dollars

    Financial losses from the "Sandie" hurricane storming in 2012 in the territory of the Bahamas, Haiti, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, the United States of America and Canada reached an impressive $68,5 billion. The amount of the insurance damage constituted $29,5 billion.

Natural disasters that cost insurance companies billions of dollars

    Natural disasters, the earthquake and tsunami that plagued Japan in 2011 caused serious damages to the Country of the rising sun. Over 15 000 people were killed, financial losses reached $210 billion, insurance losses - $40 billion.

Natural disasters that cost insurance companies billions of dollars
    The most powerful natural disaster of the last 35 years was the "Katrina" hurricane, terrorizing the United States of America in 2005. The typhoon caused a loss to insurers and residents of New Orleans — the force of nature destroyed practically all houses in the state and claimed lives of 1720 people. The amount of insurance premiums reached $60.5 billion, financial losses - $125 billion.
Natural disasters that cost insurance companies billions of dollars
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