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Top 5 lavish coronation ceremonies

Coronation of King of Bhutan

Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck is the fifth King of Bhutan, crowned in 2008. Back then he was just 28 years old, which made him the youngest sovereign in the world at that time. Bhutan celebrated his ascending the throne with inaugural rituals and mass cultural events for four days. Several hundred thousand people, both locals and foreign guests, were involved in the celebration.

Top 5 lavish coronation ceremonies

Coronation of Emperor of Japan

Akihito, Japan’s 125th Emperor, ascended the throne in 1989. He ruled the country for 30 years and abdicated at the age of 86. His coronation in 1990 became one of the most expensive ceremonies in modern history. Over 2 billion yen was spent on the traditional ceremony during which the Emperor prayed for the prosperity of his country. Other festivities also cost a fortune. As many as 3,500 guests were invited to attend 7 banquets on the occasion of Akihito's coronation.

Top 5 lavish coronation ceremonies

Coronation of Prince of Monaco

Prince of Monaco Albert II was crowned in November 2005 at the age of 47. The country’s grandeur celebrations included a solemn mass, a military parade, and a football match as part of the French football сhampionship. However, the most extravagant festivity was the reception of high-ranking guests at the Hotel De Paris, an iconic luxury hotel in Monaco.

Top 5 lavish coronation ceremonies

Coronation of King of Thailand

The coronation of Maha Vajiralongkorn took place 3 years after ascending the throne, in May 2019. It was Thailand’s first coronation in 70 years, which explains its lavishness. Celebrations lasted for three days. Aside from traditional rituals, the ceremony also included a foot procession through the streets of Bangkok, multiple meetings of the monarch with representatives of diplomatic missions, and a grand parade of royal barges along the Chao Phraya River with the participation of over 2 thousand rowers.

Top 5 lavish coronation ceremonies

Coronation of Sultan of Brunei

Hassanal Bolkiah, the current Sultan of Brunei, was a real sybarite at the dawn of his reign. His coronation in the late 1960s became one of the most pompous and expansive ceremonies in history. Especially for the occasion, a throne upholstered in tiger skin was made. It was also equipped with a golden supporting device resembling a hand to help the monarch carry a crown weighing 3 kg on his head.

Top 5 lavish coronation ceremonies
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