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Three companies poised for solid returns in 2024
Analysts are spotlighting several companies projected to yield significant returns this year. They recommend that investors consider adding shares of three standout firms to their portfolios. Let's find out which...
Top 3 Companies with High Dividend Yields
During a period of significant decline in the global stock market, investors can receive payments from companies with high dividend yields. According to experts, the shares of such firms help...
World’s 5 most profitable companies
There are several corporations in the world that can boast record-breaking financial results. For the most part, these are oil and tech companies as well as large financial companies. Experts...
5 encouraging success stories
There are rare cases when a start-up instantly wins enormous popularity. As a rule, a start-up has to overcome a thorny path before it notches up a success. Success stories...
Top 5 best-selling toys in world
The research conducted by NPD Group showed that in Q1 of 2021, sales on the global toy market advanced by 15% compared to the same period in 2020. The market...
Top 6 reasons for promoting partnerships with China
Every year China becomes increasingly attractive for partners and investors. In general, the image of this country is gradually changing. Now China is not just a global manufacturing...
Bloomberg’s top 5 emerging markets
According to a Bloomberg study of developing markets, some countries showed a relatively good performance last year. This means that these economies may well be included in the ranking...
New trends in travel industry under pandemic conditions
The travel industry has been one of the hardest hit by the corona crisis. Curiously, the pandemic has showcased new opportunities which have been spotted by ambitious investors. The odds...
Top 3 US companies whose shares have become most popular among novice investors
Since Joe Biden's inauguration, the US stock indexes have been hitting new record highs. Almost every day US stocks conquer new peaks. As the stock market remains bullish, there...
Top 5 most promising US startups
Every year, a hundred or even a thousand new startups are created around the world. Among them, there are those that will undoubtedly prove to be successful. Especially сompanies founded...
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