Crude oil prices show negative dynamics on Wednesday morning after a rapid growth which was noted just the day before. Moreover, its value was able to reach its maximum values recorded nine months ago. The reason for such significant growth is the forecasts regarding the possible start of vaccination against coronavirus infection in the United States and in other countries in the near future. In addition, black gold received special support against the background of news about the negotiation process on the adoption of a new financial incentive program, however, various slowdowns and delays began to occur in this part, which negatively affected investor sentiment.
Market participants also reacted poorly to statistics on changes in the level of crude oil reserves in the US. According to the analytical findings of the American Petroleum Institute (API), there was an increase in reserves by about 1.97 million barrels last week. Of course, market participants could not help but give a negative reaction to such a large figure: the cost of raw materials almost immediately turned around and went in the opposite direction.
Another group of experts who were interviewed by S&P Global Platts also confirmed the information about the expected growth in the level of raw materials reserves in the US. According to them, the rise may reach 1.9 million barrels.
Meanwhile, according to preliminary data, gasoline and distillate reserves should increase by 2.6 million barrels and 1.1 million barrels, respectively.
However, do not forget that the official data from the US Department of Energy will be released on Wednesday evening, so you should not panic ahead of time.
Recall that the oil market felt an unprecedented surge of strength against the background of news about the early start of mass vaccination against coronavirus infection. This led investors to believe that oil demand will soon begin to recover, and the pace of this recovery will be more than rapid. However, we suddenly had to face a number of problems, which, according to experts, will take quite a long time to overcome. In particular, it will not be possible to stop the growth of COVID-19 in the world and in the United States in the near future, since the vaccine cannot give an instant and absolute result. In addition, the vaccination process itself is quite a long process, which is associated with the method of transportation and vaccination.
Another unpleasant problem is the increase in oil production globally, which can happen amid the light hand of OPEC at the beginning of next year.
The price of futures contracts for Brent crude oil for February delivery on the trading floor in London sank 0.26% or $0.13, which sent it to $50.63 per barrel. At the close of Tuesday's trading, the brand exhibited an increase of 0.9% or $0.47 and sent the price to $50.76 per barrel. All this was evidence of a rise to the maximum values recorded last time at the very beginning of March this year.
The price of futures contracts for WTI light crude oil for delivery in January on the electronic trading platform in New York fell 0.21% or $0.1, which sent it to $47.52 per barrel. Tuesday's trading ended with an increase of 1.3% or $ 0.63, and the final price was $47.62 per barrel. This was also the highest rise since the end of February this year.