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flag ★ Singapore's GDP Growth Slows to 0.1% in Latest Quarter Amid Global Economic Headwinds

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Forex News:::2024-05-23T00:00:00

Singapore's GDP Growth Slows to 0.1% in Latest Quarter Amid Global Economic Headwinds

Singapore, 23 May 2024 – Singapore's economic momentum has taken a notable downturn, with the nation's GDP growth decelerating to a mere 0.1% for the latest quarter, according to the latest government data. This is a significant drop from the previous quarter's growth of 1.2%, signaling mounting challenges for the city-state's economy.

The updated figures highlight a quarter-over-quarter comparison, underscoring the contrast between the current period's modest 0.1% expansion and the preceding quarter's relatively robust 1.2% growth. The latest quarter's tepid performance points to slowing industrial output and subdued consumer spending, despite the government's efforts to stimulate the economy through various fiscal measures.

Economic analysts attribute the drag to an array of global economic headwinds, including sluggish demand from major trading partners and ongoing geopolitical uncertainties. As Singapore navigates this challenging economic landscape, stakeholders will be closely monitoring for signs of stabilization or further deterioration in the coming quarters.

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