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FX.co ★ German Wholesale Price Index (WPI) Unchanged in March 2024

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German Wholesale Price Index (WPI) Unchanged in March 2024

The latest data on the German Wholesale Price Index (WPI) for March 2024 has been released, showing no change from the previous month. The WPI remained steady at 0.2%, the same as in February 2024. This data, which was updated on April 16, 2024, indicates that wholesale prices in Germany have maintained stability in the month-over-month comparison.

The Wholesale Price Index is a key economic indicator that reflects the average changes in prices received by domestic producers for their output. A stable WPI suggests that inflationary pressures may be under control in the wholesale sector of the German economy. Analysts will continue to monitor this indicator closely to assess its potential impact on consumer prices and overall economic performance in Germany.

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