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FX.co ★ Car Sales in Indonesia Plummet by 26.2% Year-over-Year

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Car Sales in Indonesia Plummet by 26.2% Year-over-Year

In a recent update on April 11, 2024, it has been reported that car sales in Indonesia have taken a sharp decline, with the current indicator showing a staggering drop of 26.2% year-over-year. This significant decrease comes after a previous indicator had already shown a decline of 18.8%. The comparison period reveals that the current situation is worse than the previous one, indicating a noteworthy downturn in the country's automotive market.

The latest data highlights a concerning trend in Indonesia's economy, reflecting challenges and shifts in consumer behavior or market conditions affecting the automotive industry. The plummeting car sales figures may have implications for businesses and policymakers, requiring strategic efforts to revive the market and stimulate consumer demand in the coming months.

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