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FX.co ★ Estonian Industrial Production Sees Slight Improvement in March 2024

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विदेशी मुद्रा समाचार:::2024-05-06T05:00:00

Estonian Industrial Production Sees Slight Improvement in March 2024

Estonia's industrial production showed a slight improvement in March 2024 compared to the previous month. According to recent data, the current indicator for industrial production in Estonia reached -5.70%, a slight increase from -5.80% in February 2024. The year-over-year comparison also reflects a challenging environment for the industrial sector, indicating a decline compared to the same month a year ago.

This update in Estonia's industrial production was released on May 6, 2024, providing insights into the performance of the country's industrial sector. Despite the marginal improvement in March, the data suggests that challenges persist in the industrial landscape. Analysts will be closely monitoring future developments to assess the trajectory of Estonia's industrial production and its impact on the overall economy.

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