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FX.co ★ Russian S&P Global Services PMI Shows Slight Dip to 50.5 in April

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विदेशी मुद्रा समाचार:::2024-05-06T06:00:00

Russian S&P Global Services PMI Shows Slight Dip to 50.5 in April

In the latest economic news from Russia, the Services Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) for April 2024 has been reported at 50.5, a slight decrease from the previous month's figure of 51.4. The PMI is a key indicator of economic health, with a reading above 50 indicating expansion and below 50 signaling contraction. This drop in the PMI suggests a slight slowdown in the Russian services sector during April.

The data, which was updated on 6th May 2024, indicates that the Russian services sector is still growing, albeit at a slower pace compared to the previous month. It will be essential to monitor future PMI readings to assess whether this dip is a temporary fluctuation or the beginning of a more prolonged trend. Analysts will be keeping a close eye on how external factors and domestic policies might impact the services sector in the coming months.

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