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FX.co ★ Japan Leading Index Falls In March

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Japan Leading Index Falls In March

Preliminary data released by Japan's Cabinet Office on Thursday revealed a dip in the nation's leading index in March. This fall came after the index hit an 18-month peak in February. The leading index, an indicator of future economic activity, displayed a smaller-than-predicted drop to 111.4 in March, down from 112.1 in February. Forecasts had projected the score to decrease to 111.0.

In contrast, the coincident index, which gauges the country's current economic performance, saw an improvement in the same period. It rose to 113.9 in March, up from 111.5 in the previous month.

However, the lagging index, another important economic indicator, witnessed a decline to 106.2 in March, compared to 106.8 in February.

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