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FX.co ★ Mexico's Core CPI Shows a Decrease in April 2024

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Mexico's Core CPI Shows a Decrease in April 2024

In April 2024, Mexico's Core Consumer Price Index (CPI) data was updated, revealing a decrease in the indicator. The previous indicator in March 2024 had reached 0.44%, but in April 2024, it dropped to 0.21%. This change signifies a decline in the core CPI, indicating potential shifts in consumer prices for essential goods and services in the country.

The month-over-month data update on 09 May 2024 provided insights into the comparison period, showcasing the actual change for April compared to March. This adjustment in the Core CPI could potentially have implications for inflation trends and the overall economic landscape in Mexico. As investors and policymakers track these developments closely, the latest data serves as a key indicator of market movements and economic stability in the region.

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