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About is an international portal for traders, providing comprehensive information about financial markets. It is created for those who work on Forex and stock markets in a real time mode all over the world. The target audience of the portal is traders using MetaTrader. offers:

  • News and latest analytics
  • forum for traders
  • Forex TV
  • Trading signals and indicators
  • Account monitoring

3 missions du portail

The major mission of the portal is the popularization of the MetaTrader platforms, presentation and explanation of MetaTrader platforms functionality. In particular, MetaTrader platforms are used for certain portal services, such as monitoring, a stock of expert advisors, and Forex market statistics. The official position of the portal is that MetaTrader today is the best solution for brokers and their clients in terms of providing the highest quality and ensuring a professional approach to the trading processes.

The second mission of the portal is the support of traders on Forex and other financial markets by relevant, reliable, and comprehensive information about the course of trading, which enables each trader to reach a higher professional level. The cooperation with professional analysts of the leading brokerage companies makes the portal an effective tool for traders. Forex market statistics on, also received in the partnership with brokerage companies from the real trading servers, is one of the unique trading services on the internet today.

The third mission of the portal is the development of a modern and professional Forex community interested in fruitful communication on financial topics, combined analysis, and decision making based on the principle of teamwork. has been developed for professional traders; besides the opportunity for professional communication, it also offers ways to boost proficiency and share experience for beginning Forex traders. et MetaQuotes Software Corp.

The portal and its owners are not related to MetaQuotes Software Corp. and are not affiliated with MetaQuotes Software Corp. or any company representing MetaQuotes Software Corp. interests. The portal is an international online resource for traders, independent from MetaQuotes Software Corp. and its branches.

Any information about MetaQuotes Software Corp. or MetaTrader trading platforms is obtained by the authors on the portal in the process of studying this subject and does not reflect any attitude towards MetaQuotes Software Corp. Some data on MetaTrader or MetaQuotes Software Corp. history can be inaccurate or incorrect in case of unintended authors mistakes.

We earnestly ask everybody to report us any cases requiring explanations of this matter on forums. Any information on the portal is merely introductory and does not refer to the official positions of MetaQuotes Software Corp.

MQL4 and MQL5 are registered trademarks of MetaQuotes Software Corp. All information about MQL4 and MQL5 is protected by the copyright and related rights legislation of the Russian Federation. Any usage of MQL4 and MQL5 trademarks for commercial purposes must be approved by MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Communities of international forums

The policy of forums moderation is based on the honesty and justice principles, which the administration of portal adheres to, and nothing else. The traders community developed within the framework of forums is meant to be an independent community for discussing the actual topics related to trading on Forex and other financial markets. Participating in the forums, one should consider that some forum moderators work as volunteers and do not always express the official position of administration.

Contacting administration

You can contact the administration on the Contact page of the portal.

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