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typeContent_19130:::2025-01-21T18:23:00 Partners With Meta Dot To Revolutionize STEAM Education With ZenseAI

Aurora Mobile Limited (JG) announced on Tuesday that it has entered into a strategic partnership with Meta Dot Limited, a prominent provider of STEAM education in Hong Kong, to launch the ZenseAI platform. This collaboration leverages artificial intelligence to elevate teaching quality, streamline educational processes, and offer students a more dynamic and tailored learning environment.

As a core aspect of this initiative, Meta Dot is collaborating with the Hong Kong Education Bureau under the AI for Science Education Funding Programme to provide participating schools with complimentary trials of the ZenseAI platform. By incorporating AI technology, the program is focused on making science education more engaging and efficient, while fostering innovation in the educational setting.

ZenseAI, utilizing the cutting-edge AI solutions from, enables schools to deliver personalized instruction that caters to the unique needs of each student. Additionally, it alleviates the administrative burden on educators, allowing them to dedicate more time to teaching and fostering student development.

Through this alliance, and Meta Dot aim to revolutionize conventional education by integrating advanced technology with effective teaching practices, resulting in significant enhancements in learning outcomes and classroom experiences.

Currently, JG is trading at $6.02, reflecting a decrease of 6.01% or $0.39 on the Nasdaq.

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