FX.co ★ Six places on Earth with most powerful lightning strikes
Six places on Earth with most powerful lightning strikes
According to experts, the most powerful lightning was recorded in the Congo, a state with an area of about 2.3 million square kilometers in central Africa. The Congo currently borders several countries, including the Central African Republic (CAR), South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, and others. One of the features of Congo is a fantastic amount of lightning that looks very dangerous. Research has unveiled that there are about 158 million lightning discharges per square kilometer of Congo per year. Experts explain this fact by the proximity of the country to the equator, where powerful atmospheric phenomena are recorded.

Brazil, a country located in South America, is second on this list. By the number of lightning in the world, it is slightly behind the Congo. About 57 million lightning discharges per year are recorded here. Especially strong discharges could be seen in the Amazon jungle since high humidity and a warm climate create favorable conditions for this powerful atmospheric phenomenon.

Qatari coast
The next area where the most powerful discharges were observed was the Qatar coast. This narrow strip of land covers 563 kilometers and is located in the northeast of the Arabian Peninsula. It is washed by the waters of the Persian Gulf. Qatar's coastline is known for humidity, whereas in summer, temperatures reach 50 degrees Celsius. According to research, 1 square kilometer of the Qatari coast receives 51 strongest lightning strikes every year. At the same time, each discharge has a force of up to 400 thousand volts, making it one of the most powerful in the world. Such phenomena are explained by the location of Qatar, where cold and warm air masses meet. These factors create favorable conditions for thunderstorms.

The fourth place in the world in the number of lightning strikes is occupied by Venezuela, a state located in the north of South America. According to experts, about 232 million lightning discharges are recorded here every year. Especially bright and strong lightning is observed in the Catatumbo Valley, which is located in the northwest of the country, near the Caribbean Sea. The Catatumbo Valley is a popular place where the so-called "Catatumbo Lightning" glows almost every night. This phenomenon has been going on for several centuries and could be explained by the valley's location. The fact is that it is an area of strong storms and gales that form over the Caribbean Sea. These air currents, traveling close to the mountains, create conditions for the formation of powerful electrical discharges.

According to analysts, the United States ranks fifth in the number of impressive lightning storms in the world. About 20 million lightning discharges are observed here every year. The most powerful of them could be seen in the states of Florida and Texas. There, climatic conditions are most suitable for the occurrence of impressive atmospheric phenomena.

Argentina closes the list of countries with the most powerful lightning in the world. In 2019, a fantastic thunderstorm was recorded here. This strike, which lasted more than 16 seconds, was classified by experts as a "megaflash." According to estimates, this is 10 times longer than a regular lightning strike. This phenomenon was recorded over the city of Villa Carlos Paz in the province of Buenos Aires. Lightning with a height of 24 km had an energy of 3 million joules, which is equivalent to the energy of an explosion of 500 kg of TNT. This lightning discharge could be seen thanks to the latest technology that allows for measuring such electric fields. According to scientists, the study of such a megaflash will help to understand the processes occurring in the atmosphere.