FX.co ★ Most expensive fruits in the world
Most expensive fruits in the world
Yubari King Melon
This melon variety is grown exclusively near the city of Yubari on Japan’s Hokkaido island. The fruit, with its perfectly round shape, is famous for its rich, sweet flavor. The melon’s flesh is tender and literally melts in your mouth, revealing deep honeyed notes. Growing this fruit requires special care. Each melon is shielded from the sun and wind, and a unique soil rich in volcanic minerals is used to create its perfect taste. These conditions are what make Yubari melons so valuable. In 2008, one melon sold at auction for $30,000.

Densuke Black Watermelon
This rare watermelon variety is also grown only in Hokkaido in Japan. It stands out with its dark, nearly black rind, free of stripes, and incredibly juicy red flesh. The taste of Densuke is described as intense, and sweet, with hints of exotic fruits and honey. Each watermelon is hand-picked to preserve its perfect shape. Strict quality control and a limited harvest make this fruit extremely expensive. A few years ago, one Densuke black watermelon was sold at auction for $6,000.

Miyazaki Mango
This exclusive mango variety is cultivated only in Japan’s Miyazaki Prefecture, from which it takes its name. The fruit is distinguished by its bright red skin and exceptionally sweet, juicy flesh with rich tropical notes. To ensure perfect quality, the trees are protected from wind and excessive sun, and each mango ripens in special nets to prevent damage. The labor-intensive cultivation process is the main reason for the high price of Miyazaki mangoes. One fruit can cost up to $1,500.

Ruby Roman Grapes
This rare grape variety is grown exclusively in Japan’s Ishikawa Prefecture. Each Ruby Roman grape is perfectly round and about the size of a ping-pong ball. The fruits have an intense sweet flavor with light muscat notes. Interestingly, only a few thousand bunches of grapes undergo strict selection each year based on weight, color, and sugar content, which explains the high cost of Ruby Roman grapes. A few years ago, one bunch was sold at auction for $12,000.

Heligan Pineapple
This variety of pineapple is grown in the Heligan Gardens in southern England. The fruit is incredibly sweet, with tender flesh that melts in your mouth. Heligan's flavor combines bright tropical notes with subtle hints of honey and vanilla. The pineapples are cultivated in special greenhouses heated by traditional methods: horse manure and compost provide consistent warmth throughout the year. Only a few fruits ripen each year, contributing to the high price of Heligan pineapples, which can reach $15,000 per fruit.