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FX.co ★ Qatar's CPI Jumps to 2.99% in January 2024, a Steep Increase From Previous Month

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Qatar's CPI Jumps to 2.99% in January 2024, a Steep Increase From Previous Month

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Qatar made a significant leap in January 2024, reaching 2.99%, up from the previous month's 1.65%. This data, which was updated on 18th February 2024, shows a notable increase in the cost of goods and services for consumers in the country. The comparison, done on a year-over-year basis, indicates a sharp rise in prices compared to January of the previous year. This spike in the CPI suggests potential inflationary pressures that could impact the economy and consumers in Qatar. It will be interesting to observe how this upward trend in the CPI unfolds in the coming months and its implications for the country's economic landscape.

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