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FX.co ★ Qatar's CPI Drops by -1.3% in January 2024

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Qatar's CPI Drops by -1.3% in January 2024

Qatar experienced a significant decrease in its Consumer Price Index (CPI) in January 2024, as reported by the latest data. The current indicator for January 2024 dropped by -1.3%, a stark contrast to the previous indicator which had reached 1.59% back in December 2023. This decline indicates a notable shift in consumer pricing levels within the country.

The data, updated on 18 February 2024, reveals a month-over-month comparison, showcasing the fluctuations in the CPI. This comparison period provides insights into the changing economic landscape, offering analysts and policymakers valuable information to understand the shifts in consumer spending and inflation rates within Qatar. As the country navigates through these changes, monitoring the CPI will be crucial to assess the overall economic health and plan for potential interventions.

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