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FX.co ★ Lithuania Industrial Production Surges by 12.3% Year-Over-Year in January 2024

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Lithuania Industrial Production Surges by 12.3% Year-Over-Year in January 2024

The latest data on Lithuania's industrial production has shown a significant turnaround in January 2024, with a surge of 12.3% compared to the same month a year ago. This stark increase comes after a previous decline of 7.4% in December 2023. The new figure of 4.9% for January indicates a strong rebound in industrial output for the country.

The industrial production data was updated on 26 February 2024, highlighting the positive momentum in Lithuania's manufacturing sector. This Year-Over-Year comparison reveals a substantial improvement in the country's industrial performance, signaling a potential economic upturn. The surge in industrial production reflects renewed growth prospects for Lithuania's economy, providing optimism for the months ahead.

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