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FX.co ★ Ghana's Producer Price Index (PPI) decreases to 17.4% in January 2024

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Ghana's Producer Price Index (PPI) decreases to 17.4% in January 2024

Ghana's Producer Price Index (PPI) has taken a slight dip to 17.4% in January 2024, down from the previous indicator of 18.2%. This Year-over-Year comparison reflects a modest decrease in the PPI for the country. The data was updated on 21st February 2024, indicating a recent snapshot of the economic performance in Ghana. The PPI, which measures the average changes in prices received by domestic producers for their goods and services, plays a crucial role in understanding the country's inflation trends and overall economic health. With this latest update, analysts and investors will be closely monitoring future PPI movements to gauge the trajectory of Ghana's economic landscape.

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