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Admiral Markets
Xêp hạng:

Đầu năm:2001
Nước xuất xứ:the UK
Quy định:EFSA, FCA, MiFID, CySEC
Các lựa chọn thanh toán:Mastercard, Visa, Neteller, Skrill, Wire, Paypal, Webmoney, Liberty Reserve
Kích thước tài khoản tối thiểu:$200
Kích thước lô tối thiểu:0.1
Đòn bẩy:1:500
Lây lan:0.8

Admiral Markets is a group of companies providing online trading services in the currency and stock markets. The company has more than 94 thousand active customers and a total monthly volume of over 50 billion dollars.
The financial instruments offered by the broker include precious metals, CFDs, stocks and commodities.Admiral Markets AS, working with the European customers, has recently won a prestigious award, "Best Forex Broker in the Baltic Region", thanks to the excellent quality of its services, rapid development and innovations in trading. The company was rated as “Best of the Best” by the New Europe magazine. In 2015, the broker participated in the largest Forex conference in Poland, FX Cuffs, and was announced as the "Best Foreign Broker in Poland 2015".
At present, Admiral Markets offers its services in 32 countries around the globe. Its activities are regulated by the countries’ local governments. Admiral Markets provides educational webinars and seminars aimed to teach beginners the basics of Forex trading. Besides, the company publishes books and brochures in several languages and offers customer support via telephone and online chats.
Other broker's advantages include time-saving investment products. While professional Forex traders analyze the market and make difficult decisions 24 hours a day, their trades will be instantly and automatically copied to your account.
The brokerage company offers reliable trading platforms, MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5, as well as Autochartist, a powerful market-scanning tool.

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