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Dealing City
Xêp hạng:

Đầu năm:2002
Nước xuất xứ:Russia
Quy định:BVI Financial Services Commission Act, 499905
Các lựa chọn thanh toán:WebMoney, Credit/debit
Kích thước tài khoản tối thiểu:$50
Kích thước lô tối thiểu:0.1
Đòn bẩy:up 1:10 to 1:200
Lây lan:0 pips on EUR/USD

The dealing centre Forex Dealing City was formed with the purpose of providing the professional services to private investors – traders on Forex market who are exploiting the marginal trade. For conducting the operations on Forex market the company offers a trading platform DCTrader2, their own development with application of unique options.
Since 2009 the Company has launched a new server managed by a popular recently trading platform MetaTrader4. Depending on the requirements and preferences the clients are able to choose the best suiting technical option and conditions for their comfortable work.

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