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Đầu năm:2003
Nước xuất xứ:Cyprus/Canada
Quy định:AFM (Netherlands), 66418, ASIC, 140 899 476, Banque de France, 73506, FCA (UK), 247274, FSA (Denmark)
Các lựa chọn thanh toán:CashU, Credit/debit cards, QIWI, Skrill (Moneybookers), UnionPay, WebMoney, Wire transfer
Kích thước tài khoản tối thiểu:$100
Kích thước lô tối thiểu:0.05 lot
Đòn bẩy:up to 1:400
Lây lan:4 pips on EUR/USD

xTrade was established in 2003.
xTrade is an innovative company, which developed one of the most reliable and unique web-platforms for trading at Forex market.
xTrade trading platform was developed by professional traders. The main criteria of the company’s work are: professionalism, financial mobility and the trading network time rate.

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